There are a few things you can do to improve your SEO for your website within 1 month. Here are a few tips: 1. Write high-quality, engaging content - SEO is all about attracting clicks and visitors to your website, which means that your content needs to be of the highest quality. Make sure to fo...
The way you describe it, the 301 redirect is looping right back to the original URL which is odd. Start by looking at your .htaccess file. It lives on your server with all the other files that drive your website. Often times it's hidden and you have to take extra steps to find it. Your hostin...
Well, when you have viral marketing, then it helps to spread the word about your business like wildfire on it's own. It's a self-perpetuating loop. So rather than you paying for advertisements, people will share your content or tool or something else because it's so cool or does something valua...
The way we usually do it it: Objective A,B,C. Action A, Result A, Action B, Result B. You want to make sure you're clear about your objectives and the client knows what success will look like weeks/months from now. Simple Headers and bullet-points are enough. This is a good example of really simp...
Those updates are great because it made white hat SEO guys focus on what we know it always worked in the long term and elimiated the competition that tried to get in front with fast black hat tactiques.
Here are some quick and easy tips: 1) To make it easier for bots to crawl your site, link to important pages within your site with simple HTML URLs (not through javascript). 2) Add Alt tags to all your images 3) To choose keywords, search google with each keyword to see how many results come u...
_Can_ you? Sure, but it's probably not the most effective way. What you're describing is "content marketing," and it's usually very good at improving the middle and bottom of the funnel. Meaning, when someone already knows about your site, your content marketing can help convert them to a trialer...
Don't worry about Google Page Rank. It's already been declared dead ( Instead you should figure out how to get high quality and editoral links - which is the essence of page rank.
I've worked both in-house (at and I built and ran large agencies as well (eVisibility, Geary Interactive, Organic Media Group). IMHO, outsourcing SEO is the best way to go no matter what. And I'll give you 3 good reasons why. 1. In-house SEO teams (and individuals) get myopia. The...
It is based on rankings. So if yesterday I was in position 1 and today I am in position 4, there will be a red minus 3 symbol.