All your questions predicate/depend on site's monetization strategy. For example, if current pages all have great SEO traction in SERPs than any site change best be well thought out + in general the HTML structure should... 1) Only fix any existing HTML errors, as reported by the W3C validator....
The basics of SEO are: Crawlability: proper HTML mark-up and syntax starting with the document head right down to the <div> structure. If search engine robots can't parse your code then it doesn't matter how relevant it is to the search query. Authority: content that is popular tends to rank we...
Hi, Your site is a Q&A so I presume that every time someone create a new Question it will generate a unique URL for that. Indepentend if you have or not an answer you want Google to crawl and index your site as quick as possible to start to analyzing the new page and bring traffic to it. The be...
If you got 5000 sites to link to your site using the same keyword you'll likely be flagged for spam and attempting to manipulate the search results. That is an old-school attempt at SEOing a site that Google and the other search engines have already developed algorithmic answers to. There are th...
Google Search is already smart enough to capture those misspellings and shows recommendations for the correct words. Assuming that your website has been around for a while, Google will show users the branded site first in the results pages so the clicks will go there. Google figures out possible...
From a usability perspective, having all your FAQs on a single page is the best way to go. Most visitors don't want to have to click back and forth between the main FAQ and each answer page. If you feel that each Q&A is deserving to be it's own landing page then I would suggest writing blog post...
It takes time for search engines to properly index your websites. Changing the entire website within a 3 month timespan will impact your SEO for sure. Search engines love it when websites are easily identifiable. If your site looks like it's going through a mid-life crisis, it's not going to rank...
Obviously I don't know your situation but you might be running across an issue with expecting one person to do the job of many. There are so many aspects to SEO that its near impossible for one person to be an expert in every area. Content, social media, on-page optimization, user experience opti...