Option #1 (recommended): Use https://www.voiq.com/ and skip hiring someone. Option #2: Hire an SDR (right out of college, ex-athlete): and pay them an hourly rate as a consultant (3 month trial period). Pay them upon deals closing (commission % - the % will depend on your margins and the the ...
I don't have a great answer if you have a limited budget and time, but I would focus on 1) Building a social media strategy with an incentive plan attached to spark engagement. 2) Create a "hit list" of companies that fit the profile and ask them to participate. Not sure how many companies you...
If your business goal revolves around raising the entry barrier then, I believe, you need to stop and think twice. Focus on "How" to deliver utmost value at best possible price. The underlying intent should be to achieve uniqueness and differentiating yourself from the usual suspects. The differe...
Growing up from 1+subs to a team like you're saying is a classic problem in consulting. The financial math is not in your favor until you get a consistent team. Here's an article of mine detailing the issues and also detailing solutions: http://blog.asmartbear.com/consulting-company-accounting....
It's great that you have a ton of experience in sales and business growth, and this will likely boost your credibility in many ways. However, startups are often looking to hire folks who can be extremely agile and switch to a new strategy as soon as they learn that the current one isn't working. ...
Hi, My name is Erik Hanley and I'm a Call Center Expert and Senior Analyst Programmer with more that 15 years of experience. If you need help to set up a call center/PBX phone app, you need to evaluate your needs and budget and then look for the telecom providers. Using VOIP providers Vs traditi...
Most likely the best way to get funded in this situation is to approach independent investors. It would really depend on your business plan and whether or not you have an attractive business model. You could try to get connected with networks or consultants that have access to independent investo...
Totally agree with Andy's answer. But I just went to your site and I think you should really optimize your sign-up flow before spending any money or effort to acquire customers. Your current multi-step process and required information is far too cumbersome to efficiently acquire sign-ups. I wo...
In normal cases each subcontracting partner is self responsible for its accounting. Depending on the country you are and kind of business you running, you need to find out what possibilities are possible. For sure there are services you can use, check out payroll.intuit.com for example. There the...