Web marketing tends to be very time consuming, especially when you consider how vast it is. Pulling together all the components of SEO, content, website architecture, analyitcs and social media, you can be looking at 5-20 hours per week. The larger the site the higher that number goes. Social med...
Hello! What you are asking after, is an age old business challenge; One that can be addressed, utilizing the modern tools of social media, to help stake your product and service position. The competition are doing what they are supposed to do; They are selling the ‘sizzle’ not the steak; by ...
You need a CRM system that manages incoming leads. I am a beta tester for Salesformics.com and Stewart there will give you an awesome walk-through.
Hi First of all, well done for the initiative. Sounds great. When to incorporate is one of the most common questions I get when working with startups. The answer is not too early, in order to save the fees (mainly yearly reports and accountants), but before you have clients (who can potentially ...
If you are the officer of the S-corporation working substantially in the business then you should draw a reasonable salary. You do this by treating yourself as an employee and running your wages through payroll, withholding payroll taxes, etc. You can learn more about that at https://gethelptax...
Validating your business idea before investing in materials and execution is crucial. Consider creating a landing page to showcase your concept and gather interest. Use social media and online ads to drive traffic. Collect email sign-ups or measure click-through rates to gauge interest. Conduct s...
There are two value sets here: yours and the prospect's. You may value your service at $X, but if your prospect doesn't see it that way, that value does not exist. However, you do have to start off with your target value. Have a "base/best case" value, and a "bare minimum/worst case" value. Th...
No there is not such Guide, because it will be a 300 page manual. Your best bet is to pay a consultant who specialize in that area of business or at the very least find someone doing what you're doing and pay them to build you one.
I've set up a number of online courses, and also supported other business owners in their online course creation and hosting. This is a huge topic with a number of variables. You may decide to host your course on your own Wordpress platform, in which case you'll need: - a website (if you don't a...
If your concern is from an ethical standpoint or a concern over a segregation of duties, there is no problem at all having your tax person handling your bookkeeping. The bigger issue is something that few people understand about accountants. There are different specialties within accounting, a...