Instagram is great for attracting targeted customers. But the biggest problem is you can't add links in the post. The links are added as text and are not clickable. I think following is the only best way to covert your followers to customers: 1. Keep posting quality content. Always post unique, ...
I'll answer the question two ways. First, to give you the answer you're asked for: The best way to promote a brand story today is through short (under 2 minutes) video clips. If your products are being prototyped, it's an opportunity to shoot video of the process, you and your team's passion f...
Start with creating your USP (aka Message). This message will be the statement that sums up the reasons for doing business with you from THEIR perspective based on what THEY want (versus why YOU think they should do business with you). It may feature a unique ability your company can provide -...
The same way companies grew before there was the Internet — boots on the ground, people-to-people networking, outbound sales outreach and time.
I have always wondered about that model when it's not vertical and anyone can sell anything Digital, Physical or Service. (Gumroad, Selify, etc) Marketplaces tend gain traction faster when they are vertical and specific. My best word of advice would be to select the vertical that's bringing in t...
Definitely don't just look locally. There is a much, much larger global market. When you recruit, pay at least 3 people to do a trial task. Give them a fixed amount of time (eg 3 hours) and compare the results. Don't let people who interview well confuse you between people who produce great work.
If your objective is to get a product funded, then getting on the news isn't necessarily the best route as this is a very broad approach vs targeted. Am assuming that whoever will invest in your product, will need to have a bit of understanding about what it offers photographers? From an editoria...
You can learn a lot by reading through articles on . It is one of the leading sources for SEO and SEM. SEO is a science and an art so you have to learn about each side of the art & science. As mobile continues to grow, SEO becomes more important as there are fewer nat...
Hey Lucas, I've been selling technology solutions for 6+ years now and one of the companies I worked with, Visually, sold animations/short form videos to content creators and companies. After taking a look at your website, I already see one marketing method that does not cost too much money for...
While you've created a good amount of content on your Kickstarter campaign, your website is lacking severely in it. With that in mind, when it comes to your website I'd propose focusing on these two main goals: 1) Increase lead generation through your website. 2) Engage more with your current (...