It’s all about ensuring the value delivered becomes mission-critical to the end-user team. Once other solutions are replaced or surpassed by the efficacy and ease of use of your platform, there are ripple effects that impact later tech evaluations and even change staffing plans over time. Once ...
Organisationally, the resellers would have to match the potential volume. The organisation needed to support Software and Services are different that resellers of SaaS. With a target of 250k annually in volume, would only leave room for a few employees, depending on where you are in the world, so...
It's tough working with freelancers, but as you mentioned, it's sometimes necessary at early stages due to a lack of funds. You can either 1) Learn to code yourself 2) Find a software engineer co-founder 3) Learn a better system for working with freelancers So I'd recommend the 3rd option, and...
Say you are releasing one feature. Now imagine you release ten features at once, and you manage to introduce ten serious bugs. If that happens, you probably have more to worry about than your release strategy, but it illustrates the point. In agile software development, we often talk about the im...
If you're not a coder, I don't know how you're going to publish code... but I'll look past that. The best thing to do is host the code on Github, then create a website for the project using Github Pages. At that point, gaining traction from the community so other people contribute to it has a lo...
Start by calling SEO resellers. Ask them if they experience any challenges sharing reports with their clients. If they do, dig into what the problems are. Does your solution meet what they need? If so, tell them you are creating a solution they'd like and ask them if they want to buy it. Then you...
For a technical co-founder, the minimum should be 33%. If you've been paying him, there is no way he should be 50/50 but how to determine the exact number is a calculation of a lot of variables that are impossible to answer without knowing more about your situation. Most investors want to see a...
It depends a lot of in the skill sets and experience of both people but in most cases the ux designer should be controlling the developer pretty heavily in order to make sure his ideas come through properly. The UX designer may just need to work on his approach so people don't feel bossed around...
How can someone be an expert at iOS anything? Particularly with 12 years of experience. When did the iPhone sdks become available? 2009?
I mentor startups on the application of product management processes to help them make better decisions. Before you try to do sales analysis and forecasting, you need to find out if your potential licensees see value in using your solution. The best way to do this is to talk to some of their pro...