Two best ones are: Uberconference ( LiveNinja (
Market to your niche, talking about the same problems your beta clients signed on to get fixed. These are called "pain points" and are valuable language. Anyone in the situation will instantly pay attention to you. Note that I am saying you should talk about the problem(s), not the features of ...
I would start by looking at the apps and software you like to use that was created by smaller firms (not the big companies). Many of these firms also do client work, which you can find out about on their web site. If you enjoy the apps they produce and they have the expertise you are looking for,...
Hello! Firstly you need to decide whether you're targeting larger or smaller corporations. Approaches will need to differ because the larger the organisation, the more formal the process and the more gatekeepers to go through. I've noticed you mentioned Russian legislation - I successfully sold ...
Tip: You'll only do this if you're a Thrillseeker looking to loose massive revenue. You'll never, ever, ever turn over design of any business critical system to anyone in the class of "junior anything" who requires "SQL courses". You'll have an experienced designer handle your SQL design.
I've used a ton of different plugins and services to create and sell online courses, and here's the best combination I've found: WordPress + Gumroad + ProductPress 1. WordPress: You'll use WordPress to host your course content. I typically put each lesson in a new Page. 2. Gumroad: Use Gumroad ...
It sounds like your friend is looking for outsourcing services, where a company in one country hires professionals from another country to develop their business software. There are many outsourcing firms and freelance marketplaces that can connect your friend with developers who have the necessa...
HubSpot's Sidekick ( <-- affiliate link, otherwise, and their CRM work with each other to identify this kind of data. I'd be happy to work with you and show you how to use them. All the best, -Shaun
Hey, 1. If your product/software requires above 50 hours of programming then you don't need to worry about anyone 'stealing' your idea. This rarely happens. 2. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The difficult part is the execution (and marketing). 3. If your product/service can be created in a number o...