Hi, I used to manage a non-profit organization - the process is challenging but it is possible. I'd be happy to advise. First stop: try get a Google Grant for Google Adwords - it will help you a lot to promote your business. Good luck
Hi, If you were going to sell the business, the first thing a knowledgeable buyer (or investor) would do is normalize the wage expense vs. fair market. If you and the other founders are not paying yourselves what you would earn working for a stranger, then your financial statements are meaningle...
As an current investors and former Chief Strategist of Metroclick one of the largest interactive touchscreen & kiosks suppliers in the states. It's very easy to lease the equipment, the more important questions is the reason behind the use of the equipment. Also the location of the kiosks test ma...
AngelList is your best bet. Since you're asking the question, chances are you don't have a way to get introduced to these investors. The simple truth (like it or not) is the chances very low that you'll get a deal done without an introduction from someone they trust. AngelList can help with th...
NDA's are certainly a must have for new startup companies, especially if you are developing intellectual property. I would recommend consulting with an attorney that is licensed in your home state. Attorney's have very strict client confidentiality obligations, so you won't need an NDA with you...
With all respect to Dan, I'm not seeing anything like that. You said "pre-revenue." If it's pre-revenue and enterprise, you don't have anything proven yet. You would have to have an insanely interesting story with a group of founders and execs on board with ridiculous competitive advantage bui...
I have been in a similar situation with a client recently: a startup with a compelling software solution that needs a large partner to develop and bring it the market. We have done a partner selection together where we looked at strategy, value proposition for all parties (what is the win/win/wi...
An increasingly popular ideology among startups is to create strong partnerships with outsourced assets. I have recently done a lot of work in the speaking industry and they outsource everything basically running a virtual office. In short, my answer is yes, know what you do well and find othe...
If that's illegal, then there are a lot of criminals walking free and raking in money. Copycat startups are everywhere.
I started my last company and grew it with $20,000 to $12 million in 10 years. And while I was in the early phases, I did put in on my resume.. So, I believe you should. If it is a registered business entity and you are working it, it is still what you are doing, regardless of revenue of the c...