
Results for: Starting Up

Building a team is no different then dating to find a life partner. I would follow these steps. 1. Find the locations with a target rich audience. If you're looking for technical skills, go to developer meetups, conferences, etc. Ask who the smartest person in the room is, spend time with tho...


I think as a first-time entrepreneur who is non-technical, you should focus 100% of your energy on your clothing business with your buddy. There is far less required to make a clothing business a success than a startup run by a non-technical founder. I don't mean to trivialize the challenges of...


First of all I want to clarify one thing on your question that I believe it's not accurate: SaaS is a way to deliver technology (products) not a business model. The counter part of SaaS is on-premise or legacy, which is not a business model but how you deliver your product. For example, Salesfor...


It is hard to give specific advice without specific information. Many of the pointers I see can be applied to non-tech startups. In the end, it is about knowing your customer's needs, partnering with those who complement your strengths and weaknesses, listening and evaluating feedback, getting t...


Think big. Start small. You should always think of the bigger picture (i.e. Facebook for everyone in the world), because you want to make sure that you enable yourself to grow towards that point. Using Steve Jobs' analogy, it's about anticipating where the dots will be. Or as Wayne Gretzky puts ...


I like the way you framed this question. Staying calm, always leads to better decisions being made. The best way to maintain a "calm" state is to do your best to look at your business from a completely detached view. Having a talk with myself or anyone else well-reviewed on Clarity can bring n...


Step 1. Write 10 epic posts that mention the work of other well known influential people in your niche Step 2. Reach out to these people and ask them if they'd give you their opinion on your posts. Get them to leave their opinion in the comments. Keep asking until you have at least 10 people who'...


You must do your SWOT Analysis first. if you provide quality product/service at affordable price, people will really appreciate that and then you will realize the power of Word of mouth marketing. Best wishes.


You can always compete by offering something your competitor does not provide (either different products, different services, different prices, or different target market). Start by finding out what your customer needs - then build a version of your product. Iterate, iterate, and iterate.


You don't. But you can definitely build the product. This is a crowded market where reputation is of critical importance. It is much easier to get a large sponsor to revenue share and handle distribution and marketing. Most of the insurance companies would be a good target for annuity products b...


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