
Results for: Strategic Consulting

My very first job out of college (a loooooooong time ago). Was working in a boutique marketing and public relations firm. They hired me to do just that, get new clients and develop the business so that we were the agency of record or on "retainers". It's funny how many firms don't want an in h...


Although I understand Portuguese, I won't attempt to write it. Here is my answer in English: So you have an Arch. & Engineering firm that just opened. First you need the basics: 1. Business Cards (my team can do design for you) 2. Nice booklets (magazine style) presentations, also called “sa...


Hi, Your problem is one of corporate structure. You need to create an organization chart and define the different roles that exist in the business. You then need to fill in your names to each box. The different roles may have salaries or commissions attached, likewise, each partner is likely...


STOP!!! DON'T DO IT. GO GET A REAL JOB!! PLEASE! You don't plan to be a consultant. You become a consultant because the experience and wisdom you have is so obvious that those around you are eager to pay you for your insight. It's a calling -- not a job. Giving your "business advice" to a st...


Back when I started LinkedIn wasn't as huge as it is now. I wish it was. I didn't have a large network and those networking sessions NEVER brought me any clients. I used to go to all sorts of them hoping to get clients. There were a couple of nibbles here and there, but never anything serious. Th...


Hello, maybe you didn't explain the question right. Do you want to be a consultant? or do you want to start an online business? If you want to start an online business selling Japanese products online you just need a website with shopping cart, a payment gateway that is trustworthy to consumer...


One is a SERVICE. Services sometimes have issues with profitability when scaling. You end up managing people and profit margins stay the same or decrease. The other is a PRODUCT. Products generally scale better as the cost of product remains more or less the same (COGS). Many people start cons...


Hello, I like how you have identified your passion and understand who you want your target audience to be. I have sold technology solutions for 6+ years to entrepreneurs and business owners- a big part of the selling process requires value-adding, which can only be achieved by understanding the ...


Hi This is a classic market place which requires marketing to both sides simultaneously. I would start by selecting the most popular categories/fields that the users (employers/companies) are looking for (based on Google Adwords Keyword Tool or maybe checking Fiverr - if their services are the s...


Hi This is a classic market place SaaS (Software as a Service) and the classic answer for getting both sides is quality content, quality marketing, and word of mouth (which you'll get once you provide quality service). The key issue, BEFORE you think about how to get them to your platform is to ...


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