
Results for: Strategic Partnerships

The answer to your first question is pretty simple. Basically you are talking about doing an exclusive deal on a (hopefully pattented) item, or just slapping another companies logo on an item which would be a custom label or private label. White label usually refers to SaaS. Cases are all aro...


VR has a vast application across all the sectors in the Global market. Entertainment is a basic need of humans, therefore there is a huge spending of a common household income that goes out for entertainment. I would recommend you to target the untapped segments and get an early mover advantage. ...


There are a couple of key questions embedded in your decision that aren't addressed in your description that make this difficult to provide input: What are you looking to gain with a partnership? (capital, connections, expertise, access to customer base) How much and on what timeline? To use for...


Hi I know you need start up funding and your best bet is to borrow capital or to partner with someone. While there are advantages is getting yourself out there real fast, there are still some pros and cons. I would suggest the following: a) Sit down and do a business plan or a projection for the ...


Having worked with one of the big 3 in Iron Mountain's space, I would advise partnerships with companies already partnered with USPS, DHL, etc. If you want help targeting and reaching strategic partners quickly, let's chat on clarity.


I'm going to give you a personal experience. I wanted some business experts to join a panel of judges and this was my "execution plan": Research universities and non-profits where this executives or business people give their time. Why? Most successful people that can teach (both are dif...


I've gone down similar paths in the past. Here are your options: 1) Provisional Patent. if an implementation of their system to his new market would be patentable (i.e. using machine X to make donuts instead of jewelry), then you could file a provisional patent on the idea. Provisional patents a...


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