Perhaps, rather than focusing on acquiring new customers in new areas, you ought to evaluate first what additional services your existing clientele pays (or might pay) others to perform. If they come to you for writing but then go searching for something else, then perhaps you could efficiently ...
Angellist is a good platform for startups, job finder and investor. I see there are lots of job opening there
Hi! I am owner of an ice crean chain with 45 stores in Chile. We have stores in shopping centers, streets and also karts that you can put in events and parks. The average cost margin of ice cream (depends on the amount of materials you use in producing the ice cream) is around 40%. This is ita...
Hello, I myself do not have much hands on experience with growth hacking , but I can offer some thoughts on the subject. I'm not quite sure what you're looking for in terms of your question though? Are you looking for ideas or methods for growth using the growth hacker mentality for local brick a...
Try Nerdy Data or to find SaaS companies using Stripe
Hi, Your problem is one of corporate structure. You need to create an organization chart and define the different roles that exist in the business. You then need to fill in your names to each box. The different roles may have salaries or commissions attached, likewise, each partner is likely...
You need to make referrals a condition of doing business with you and do it upfront. Also, automate the referral ask. More details on "how to" below. To do this: During your first interactions with a client (NOT after you have delivered or closed the sale, that's a rookie mistake), you can tell ...
Having worked in this area, both as a client and as a consultant, customer understanding is a key to differentiating yourself from your competition. First a personal belief: surveys are the worst tool to uncover any insights. They are best used to quantify how many do X. There are a couple of wa...
I've loved from a viral / incoming traffic point of view, but you've got to be a broad contributor, ensuring that you post non-business content and interact on other's contributions. If you only self-promote, you'll quickly get banned from the "sub-reedits" you really want to post to. ...
I've worked on marketing in the home healthcare space and found it rather fragmented. The growth in the industry is so fast and there are so many mom and pop services that it was hard to find anyone specialized in it. What we ended up doing was a full competitive analysis in our geographic region...