1. Explore competitor backlink and citation profiles. Looking at their backlink and citation data will help you identify relevant websites that may be useful for you to work with. In addition to this, you'll likely identify competitor marketing tactics that can help spark your own ideas. 2. Us...
They expect it to be a free service because there are other free services that do something similar. In order to get income you can either 1) Get people to understand that your product is substantially better (for their actual needs) than the free competition. You will then be able to charge ...
Depending on the advertising platform and your budget, you can run multiple highly targeted campaigns at the same time. The more targeted your campaigns the more profitable they will be. For example, Campaign A can target only those in US, while Campaign B, can targeted only those in Australia. E...
From what I understand, you are trying to help an SEO agency sell to other agencies that themselves sell to dental/medical companies? It's tricky without knowing more details, since this question keeps coming to mind: Why is the SEO agency interested in white-labelling their services to agencies...
Social media channels like facebook are a great way for doctors to market digitally and cheaply. I recommend "humanizing" the doctors practice in a series of posts so clients and potential clients already feel like they know the staff and that they are just "going to some doctor" Consistant goo...
Here are some tricks that work for me: + Laser the audience so that they are the best fit for the offer. Using interests, age, location, etc. or you will just flush money down the toilet. + Make sure ad images & copy match the landing page style so it feels seamless as visitors click thru + Op...
The same way companies grew before there was the Internet — boots on the ground, people-to-people networking, outbound sales outreach and time.
Hi, I'm happy to try and assist. Send me more details about the type of help you're looking for, about the app, the target market + the current status of the app/business, and I'll be happy to try and help. If I can give you some free advice by email I'll be happy to do so. If you'll need more ...
I think there are great lessons to be learned from Exec. They started out wide, but have gone very deep on cleaning. It depends on the core thesis of your vision. Do you have a different product experience that could be competitive to existing marketplaces? Or are you just going for land-grab...
The answer depends on your situation: You could be a start-up that is more concerned with not blowing tons of money, or you could be in a rush to be done. In both situations, your objective is to find inventory sources that work quickly and then massively scale into those inventory sources. I am ...