Andrew Chen's blog is probably the most relied source when it comes to learning about metrics like CAC and LTV. For real life case studies, follow Nathan Latka's podcast to know what each of these mean for different startups in different industries. Growth Hacking is ever evolving and hence what ...
I've had great experience as a user of Udemy and write my own courses but offer those privately for my clients. It's always better to build a course that answers a specific need. Think about the avatar for your business. You can't meet everyone's needs. Build a course with no more than 8 seg...
Hi The best method in which to learn how to manage your relationship with the distributors, would be to read as many (at least 2-3) distributor agreements - as this will give you a good understanding of what to avoid/focus on/address when dealing with them. You can find some free examples online....
I reviewed some of your videos and they are impressive. First of all, I would like to know why you think times are changing since SEO and PPC are still million-dollar strategies for lots of B2B companies if everything is done well. CMOs and marketing directors ---- you can reach them on websites...
It's great that you're trying to help as many people as possible, well done. From a pricing point of view - price does effect how value is perceived (this is a proven and researched fact). So I would select a slightly higher rate that $1. Good luck
This is an important question. Knowing when to stop is just as important as knowing when to not give up (it allows you to to save your time, money and efforts for other projects which may be more lucrative/profitable). That said, anyone who actually gives you an answer without taking a look at ...
It is unclear what type of business you provide ("corporate rental business"). If you better describe the business, I'd be happy to give you some tips on how to provide them. Good luck I've successfully helped over 300 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. Aft...
Hi, the best way to start anything is to start. With clickfunnels apply to them directly. When you apply be specific on your target location, age of the target audience and generally make everything clear so that it will be easy for you to get results. Good luck
First of all, I wish you success secondly Since the work is not limited to a specific sector and is open to several areas, the site must be coordinated so that services are displayed and start paying fees to subscribe to the site and provide benefits for each user according to the price of the p...