
Results for: Tax

yes, if you have an LLC you probably already have to file quarterly or as per your state's regulations. Regardless of the frequency even if you are making zero sales, zero expenses, etc. you need to report them as the files are due.


First I'm lot a tax attorney or even know anything about Malaysian tax law. I'm however a person that has moved around a lot and have encounter this situation before. You will must likely have to declare your US income in your home country. However some local tax laws allow for a deduction of fo...


Best to talk with your Tax Preparer about this. I suggest H&R Block Executive Tax Services. They're highly competent. If you're a US Citizen you're taxed on 100% of your global income anyway. If you haven't been paying tax on 100% of your income, your best action is to immediately work with you...


Wow, I am disgusted to here that an employer would do this. This is not legal of your employer and pretty downright unprofessional. Do NOT pay the invoice. He sounds like a scam. What I suggest is that you demand a 1099 from him. The 1099 is a tax form that an employer sends you when you do n...


In Slovenia, income from affiliate marketing is considered taxable income, and you would need to pay taxes on any income you earn through affiliate marketing activities. You would need to register as a self-employed individual with the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. You wil...


Yes. Generally these amounts should be reported on Form 5472. If you are paying company expenses using your personal funds as the sole shareholder, the amounts would be classified as additional paid-in-capital contributions by the sole shareholder, so they wouldn't be recorded on the company ba...


The income should be reported by the individual or business that provided the service and earned the income. If the 1099 is in your name, you could ask the issuing Company to change to the S-Corp if that is who earned the income. In the future, have a written agreement between your S-Corp and the...


Most expenses (in most countries) that are directly related to the advancing your business are tax deductible. For example, marketing on FB or Google Ads, using an attorney or other counsel - like on clarity. Good luck


Yes, when you file your taxes you write off your investments as a loss. You wont be be taxed unless your business turns a profit.


Short answer is that you do not, unless you have presence, defined as nexus in the US. You can read yourself in the many cases you are considered to have nexus from this source: The definition is quite wide and varies between juris...


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