
Results for: Tax

Unfortunately you have to file your taxes for every year even if you do not have any business activity as well as to comply with your state fillings and the filings for your Secretary of State. You cannot add the activity of 2 years together, there has to be a filing for every year, in this case ...


You have some useful elements available here for positioning. First thing to understand is you will not "put out your shingle and they will come." There are many tax accountants and most business owners couldn't tell a good one from a bad one. So you must Stand Out. You must also develop a sour...


It really depends under which legal jurisdiction you are. The tax laws are very different in each country. Very generally speaking, every income needs to be accounted for, but what you could do is transfer the money to your corporate account and register it as a founder's loan to the company (wh...


Your milage may vary, but from our experience, in short (please verify with a Tax-accountant, I have one I can refer you to): if you're paying people to do work for you that do not have a U.S. Tax ID #, it's a complete write-off and you do not require a W9 from them.


In short No. There are laws that if you sell to anyone within a particular state in the U.S. you must obey each state's tax laws. However for the majority of the tax laws the exception (loop hole) is in the digital services realm - where you can claim income as 'advisory / non-physical services'...


Regarding US taxation of internet sales. Since you are a foreign entity or person (in regard to the US), and there is an income tax treaty between Canada and the US, you will not be liable for US federal income tax on internet sales unless you have a “permanent establishment” in the US with which...


There are so many different moving pieces in this type of situation, you're best bet is to reach out to an expert accountant. Personally, I use and recommend Eric from Charitax (


One would need to review the sale agreement to provide you with any sound advice. If properly drafted in first place (ie protecting your right to future payments) then there should be some contractual tools available for you in the agreement.


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