
Results for: Tax Accounting

Use H&R Block executive tax services. Problems with CPAs. 1) They're expensive. 2) They make many mistakes. 3) Worst, if 1x of their clients gets caught up in some organized criminal activity (accidentally or on purpose), this can trigger a blanked audit of all clients, as the CPA is flagged ...


NIcole is right. When I first started my business I thought I was saving money by doing my own bookkeeping. It took me much longer than it would take a bookkeeper - all time that I was not spending on marketing or billable activities. And in the end I made errors which made the initial work of ...


From the IRS point of view sub companies without an FEIN are the same as the mother company. Just add their names and profit and loss on your taxes. Sub companies with a FEIN but not incorporated are the same as the mother company, nothing extra to do here either. Sub companies with a Fein and ...


Generally, the transfer of tangible personal property is the trigger for a sales tax event. In this case, it may be necessary to review the various aspects of a typical transaction to determine if any portion thereof would be subject to sales tax. However, generally speaking, receipts from the sa...


That is a really ambiguous question - if someone gave you money, it really doesn't matter what you did with it. The money they gave you needs to follow tax laws related to gifting. If you invested that money and made a profit, you need to pay capital gains on your profits unless you have done som...


If you are conducting business then definitely open a business bank account for that. The primary reason is simply to have a separation of concerns. It's a huge hassle to have to have sort through a personal bank account to find all your business items when you need any kind of financial report...


I am not an accountant or an attorney and this is not "professional advice." As a Canadian living in the US, my understanding as you have dual citizenship is that you must pay US taxes on everything you make anywhere in the world. So in addition to any taxes you may pay Canada, you must pay taxe...


Yes, you can use personal money to pay for business expenses (just not the other way around.) In fact, most businesses start up this way with the owners putting their personal money into the business to get things started. In the end, the accounts track it all when they balance the books. If the ...


Your company is required to file Form 1099-MISC for each person you paid rents of at least $600 during the year. There are, however, certain exceptions where some payments do not have to be reported on Form 1099-MISC. Generally, any payments made to a C corporation, S corporation, or an LLC tre...


Depending on average transaction size, number of transactions and the potential risks you are taking on (i.e what are you responsible for if your friends product or service isn't delivered on?). Anywhere from 2-20% could work depending on the above. As for accounting, I would recommend keeping ...


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