
Results for: Team Management

HelpScout, ZenDesk or HelpScout (help desk software) would be a great start – less options but even when I ran a 6 person customer support team (with over 500 emails a day), we never needed the complex features of Have one person create 'saved replies' to quickly answer your...


I feel your pain — I've been there several times in a couple of my companies. Each situation ended up being unique, and had to be handled differently. I think there are a few things to consider before you make your decision: -- 1. What is in your cofounder's way? Is you cofounder being held u...


I think you have a great start here - you seem to be detail oriented in both the "do's" and the "don't's" , and are genuinely trying to find a balance between task orientation and relationship orientation. In some of my work with tech teams, I have found the technique that is most illuminating is...


Four thoughts. First, define what maximum and minimum effort estimate is acceptable - for example, tasks should not take less than 2 hours or more than 4. Second, communicate that contingency shouldn't be included in the estimates so they aren't padded. Instead, have some room in the overall plan...


It would be nice to know what you are selling, the sales cycle, the types of buyers, etc. This is important and would let me customize my answer for you. But, here are some generic thoughts. The problem with sales meeting is keeping it interesting for the people who are not speaking or giving ...


By ON DEMAND, I am going to assume you mean within a few hours. In which case, in my experience the only two things that really stand out: 1. Financial forecast reports 2. Cost estimates


Obviously that wouldn't hurt, and there are likely benefits to doing so. The thing to consider is will doing this save you time and make you a better leader or will it take time away from leading, growing and building a vision for the company? Only you can answer that. Being in a technical indus...


Backwards. I'd make sure that person didn't stay in the company. "One dirty fish muddies the whole pond" It's not personal or malicious - they're just not the right fit. A great skill set, while very important is always secondary to cultural fit if you really want your company to flourish.


A business plan will give you a better idea. Map out revenues, costs, and margins for varying realistic range of business volumes and sales models. Do a 'what if' with than model. Analyze yourself and competitors deeply. An substantial scalable sustainable business margin is attainable even in l...


It sound to me that you will not be there for a long time. If the owner is not giving you any rights it is a clear sign.. Look like he/she needed a helping hand and that's what you did.. 1- This is not a fruitful relationship between you two and he is not committed to you.. You drove his busine...


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