
Results for: Testing

You're targeting a b2b product with a $1 payout on a trial full-form lead submit -- this is never, ever going to work, no matter how well you advertise it. The best advice I can give you in this scenario is to find a better offer to run.


The platform that offers you the best features at a reasonable price with satisfying after-sales service can be considered as the best food delivery solution. At present, there are a number of companies that qualify for providing the best food delivery solution but as per your budget, you may o...


Open a more descriptive question... as in Ideas about what... The more detail you provide, better answer's you'll receive. Also, Experts Exchange is likely a better place to post this type of question.


The best answers to this question are Content and Social Sharing. Having the right content with the right length, talking about the right things, to the right people all while being great! Social Sharing consists of creating great unique shareable content that is done in the context of the plat...


Good luck 1. Ideal Partners: accelerators/incubators and anyone else who work with startups and small - medium businesses looking to develop software. 2. Terms: there are various structures. It all depends on your needs and budget: A) A low set monthly fee + bonuses. B) Commission based (set co...


The best time to raise capital for a startup is when you have a clear idea of what you want to do and a clear idea of how much money you need to get to a milestone that will set a higher value for your company. In general its better to bootstrap and do friends and family as long as you can, becau...


Our team uses Basecamp and Slack. Both are very easy to use and have a lot of features out of the box. Basecamp's benefit compared to other project management software is that it is easy to use. We have used other systems with our clients like Jira and iMeet but we found both had a learning cur...


Hi, this is Ann, a business coach for startups and entrepreneurs. One of the best social trading strategies is supposed to be "copy trading". Copy trading allows you to copy the traders who actually know what they are doing. And the more people do the same, the more it will increase in the value...


Hi, the best way to start anything is to start. With clickfunnels apply to them directly. When you apply be specific on your target location, age of the target audience and generally make everything clear so that it will be easy for you to get results. Good luck


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