Be responsive! Answer requests and messages promptly and thoroughly. Respect the caller's time! I always send a pre-call questionnaire in the message field. I won't take the call until I receive answers to the questionnaire. That way I have my basics answered before the meter starts running. No ...
Yea, not really a great option. Most of them want real money for "sharing" your project with "this list or that group, etc." and really aren't promising cash on the barrelhead. Crowdfunding is hard work. Period. The bigger the email list you have of people that "KNOW, LIKE & TRUST YOU" the bette...
Such a great question, and one that I spent a lot of time trying to figure out with the last four books that I published. There are several ways that marketing a book can be done, but only a few ways that make the process fairly simple and give you the results you want. Wattpad is a great way to...
It's hard to fully understand the background of your question, but in general, it sounds like you want this company to start a pilot program with your service. To get them to be willing to start a new pilot program with your service, you'll need to make something that solves the problems that exi...
Great question for anyone who has a newly published book and would like to hit the speaking circuit. I was once in the same boat and here is what I would suggest as the fastest and most effective method to getting your speaking engagements. You must be active on social media. You should give a...
You'll need to provide some level of detail to get answers from this group. - Consumer retail or wholesale foodservice or ingredient? - Do you have a competitive advantage that is easily communicated? Happy to provide some direction if you can define the scope a bit.
Social media channels like facebook are a great way for doctors to market digitally and cheaply. I recommend "humanizing" the doctors practice in a series of posts so clients and potential clients already feel like they know the staff and that they are just "going to some doctor" Consistant goo...
I don't think you can find a single perfect example because that will be based on that particular company in that particular industry. But what you can do is look for a series of landing page best practices. My book, The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! includes many of those best pract...
Upwork (formerly oDesk) is a great place to find "certified" and reviewed remote-working contractors. Results are generally good, as it is backed by a review system. However, there needs to be a clear scope-of-work and you need a coordinator / project manager for best results. Let me know if yo...
I'm currently advising a client right on exactly that kind of customer service integration. Look into Live Ninja ( It brings together the best of both worlds from web and a call center. Voice + Video + Instant connect without any special software, or a phone. You can have...