
Results for: Testing

I agree with the answer above on test first. Also, David's advice to have a business strategy is key. I'd start from user needs. Do people need (ok, want) this service in the area you might provide it? As a woman and a cosmetics designer, I can attest that most women want this service, but you ...


As an current investors and former Chief Strategist of Metroclick one of the largest interactive touchscreen & kiosks suppliers in the states. It's very easy to lease the equipment, the more important questions is the reason behind the use of the equipment. Also the location of the kiosks test ma...


The answer is: it depends. Noone can really give you a 100% accuracy answer. Marketing is all about experimentation, people surveyed different checkout pages and every industry seems to find different results - mainly because their audiences differ. (Age groups, etc) With email, it's much of t...


There's no set right answer. The more people the better the data. Traditionally most sample sizes are 100 people but think about it like this. Which has more power? 90% of 100 or 90% of 1000 all vote in your favor. Which would you pick? My recommendation would be use a sample of at least 10...


Look on Google Communities for technology focused BETA testing groups... Look on Linkedin Groups for business focused potential testers... Look on Facebook Pages for people who like apps/companies like what you are trying to bring to market... That should get you started.


Understanding your market is key. Without a market, products flounder, or worse, fail. I've conducted research on markets where a product didn't exist yet. The research doesn't have to be expensive or lengthy. The purpose of research is to understand the true needs of the market. Based on the...


This is an interesting idea. In fact I faced a similar problem recently - I wanted to pick up a sofa that I'd bought from ebay. My options were - borrow a big van and drive it there and back, hire a man and a van to do so. I chose the man and the van via this service - ...


Depends on your objective. If you really just want to know whether the idea is viable, you'll get the most bang for your buck by keeping things email-capture-only or putting up a "smoke test" where you have a Buy Now button that redirects to a "it's not available yet; but leave your email if you...


Optimizely is a popular testing service that lets you do this. See: and


You should try to engage people using social networks, it is easier to spread than email. The conversion rate on emails are low but is still a valid tool for that. Send and email with a simple and objective message that will make people want to try. The best way to have feedback from users is to...


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