
Results for: User Experience Design

If app design is the only thing you'd like to do, then I'd say spend all your time and focus developing UI/UX expertise for mobile. In many developing nations around the world, smart devices are giving people their first exposure to the Internet. The way they search, browse, buy, and otherwise be...


I'm not sure if I understand your question. But if anyone one started something on a budget, the best choice (temporarily) would be leveraging Wordpress. Typically Wordpress is scalable up to about 10-15k total users... By then you should be working on your own platform and bigger programming te...


You are right about starting from LinkedIn. But who would you target?? Its not easy to see each and every profile in LinkedIn and there you are likely to miss the trick. You need a specialist who can mine all relevant people from LinkedIn based on location, industry, etc and share their profile f...


Are you talking about actual design mockups (PSD files etc) or just directional sketches that will help illustrate ideas you're having about how to improve the pages? If leaning more towards the former, I'd put yourself in a position to not need anyone else necessarily and just focus on creatin...


Hello! This is a good question because it embodies several areas of consideration. I have experience in UXUI not as a designer but as startup founder and QA Consultant for many brands and startups. Not to mention working directly with UXUI designers for the past 10 years or so. If you are get...


There is no clear call to action on the site. What do you want a visitor to do? What's the primary goal, the secondary goal, etc. Additionally there is no value proposition. Yes you have reviews but so what. If I am the ideal customer why should I do x goal? These 2 elements will have the bigge...


You can of course use analytics that will give you statistics, but will not answer "Why?". Gathering Customer Feedback is crucial and You have to be preprared for low response rates. For better understanding of Customers' interactions with Your site You can use tracking/heatmap solutions (i.e. Cr...


Go onto and scour the place for quality design work. Once you've found some great pieces, look at what else those designers have done. If their portfolio fits well with your requirements, contact those designers and tell them about your project. Avoid sites like 99designs.c...


We have been collecting usage data on the home button from about 750 websites we manage across North America in an effort to try to determine if it is necessary or not. While each website is different, and much of the data is statistically insignificant, we have started to operate with a few ass...


It depends a lot of in the skill sets and experience of both people but in most cases the ux designer should be controlling the developer pretty heavily in order to make sure his ideas come through properly. The UX designer may just need to work on his approach so people don't feel bossed around...


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