Speakers, authors and coaches need what you have to offer. They all want to be seen as experts so you need to tell them how your product will do that for them. It's called building a platform and any speaker, author or coach will understand that language. There are two things to consider whe...
I own a software development company based in Dallas, Texas and over the years have experienced several of the issues mentioned in your post. Never start work with a client before having a signed contract in hand. The contract is the first step to making sure that both parties understand the e...
-- Prototype -- I would add that you can create prototypes more simply by just using static images and adding interactive elements to them. I recently discovered MarvelApp (https://marvelapp.com) and you can create mobile + web prototypes for free with them. I would recommend hiring a designer to...
You can find your answer on the Small Business Association website for your state. If you still have questions, visit your local City Hall official and they can assist you.
audio. Good Luck I've successfully helped over 300 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. After scheduling a call, please send me some background information so that I can prepare in advance - thus giving you maximum value for your money. Take a look at the gr...
Get a tool like screencast or camtasia and narrate as you navigate your website. Its the equivalent of storyboarding and most freelancers should be able to relate.
After reviewing your site I found there was a potential for confusion with openup.com which is a completely different site. How does the name reflect what you are providing? Would be good to explain this somewhere. I also found the About Us page was way too vague and the FAQ's, while better, sti...
neither. Your name is too broad and has no catch. Try writing a user profile. who she or he is, what are they doing in the morning? where do they live? are they married? financial status... type of hurdle, what are they seeking? what's most valuable to them - advice or step by step... based on qu...
Hi, what a great question. Ever since my best-selling book, Invest Local, came out in 2014, I've been getting lots of Clarity calls about raising capital for small business. You haven't specified if you are looking for debt or equity financing. Let's discuss both. Equity: The investors you've ...
If I'm understanding your question correctly, you're asking if it's a good idea to use a video to explain to potential crowdsourced investors how your platform works? The answer is yes. Video content is an excellent medium for conveying a succinct, compelling message in a crowdfunding campaign. H...