
Results for: Web Applications

S3 (anything Amazon) is most costly approach you can take. Best you book a call with me or someone who works on this type of project daily. For EBS/NFS, all slow/glitchy tech. You'll only use this type tech if you love daily aggravation + have infinite free time to debug problems. Better solut...


There are couple of ways i suggest it based on 15+ years I have in building offshore teams in Asia 1) India is becoming for start-up Hub now. If you want to start small, you can start searching for these companies by technology expertise you can looking for like Data Science, ML etc. You will st...


Create an ideal customer profile. Create some questions that will allow to you survey a potential tester to determine if they fit your profile. Design simple landing page with very clear value proposition that speaks to your ideal customer. Ask for a minimum of information up-front (email), but ...


Well this totally depends what your MVP is? What's the functionality? I'd suggest something like our designers with very little technical knowledge have had great success with this. Another option if it's just for demos/feedback is to use something like


Hi there, I'd recommend having a strong social media presence. You could use to check availability of social media channels and they will show you the top ones you need to be on. Today you should at least have an Instagram in addition to a Facebook Page and a dedicated Twitter account....


I think that all news site have app. For example my favorite is Flipboard. It have IOS/Android app


There's many ways to help with this, here's what I do at Clarity 1. Build an email relationship with your supply. They should have direct access to you, and you should build an ongoing drip campaign that teaches them how to improve their experience (and make more money) on Clarity. 2. For memb...


If app design is the only thing you'd like to do, then I'd say spend all your time and focus developing UI/UX expertise for mobile. In many developing nations around the world, smart devices are giving people their first exposure to the Internet. The way they search, browse, buy, and otherwise be...


There's 2 types of customers for this segment that have a decent budget. 1) Funded tech startups (i.e. Anyone that recently closed a round on 2) Digital agencies (or their clients) who want to build a mobile app for marketing or convenience purposes. So for #1, you can target a...


I recommend that you get technical cofounder as soon as possible. Using a contract developer to create a prototype is ok but keep in mind that startups need to iterate and be very flexible in the early stages of company/product development. A contract developer works best on a fixed spec and wil...


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