
Results for: Web Developers

Sites like Upwork and great for just that. You can work on projects on your own or in groups and anyone can start whenever!


With all due respect, this seemingly simple question has a complex answer. Much akin to "How do I drive a car?" The most basic overview I can come up with goes like this: 1. Decide on a niche There are a million freelance website designers. What makes you different and how can you offer somethi...


Dear Key, Can you please explain a little more? Setting up a a concurrent user system by WooCommerce is possible with normal membership systems. please you add some details about what specific feature you are looking for then probably I can help you better. If you like we can have a fast call...


NFT platform is getting robust all over the world, every big brand and company is now paying attention to create their own tokenized NFT. Although the NFT marketplace is worth millions, yet creating your personal NFT marketplace can bring some challenges for you. Let us get across what is an NFT...


Well this totally depends what your MVP is? What's the functionality? I'd suggest something like our designers with very little technical knowledge have had great success with this. Another option if it's just for demos/feedback is to use something like


Take a look at the core of what you need to know here: I answered these questions for those starting their own eCommerce store, and that is a great resource for you to get going! Feel free to reach out to me directly for more tips, we can set ...


Q: How to build a dream house when you are not a builder? A: Talk to an architect ... or a foreman ... or someone who has built a house like the one you envision. If you're not sure what kind of scope your web project requires, that's fine. At least, begin by talking to a software developer or...


In my experience, classified sites have always been a total waste of time. I've been in business for 15 years now and here's what has worked for me: - Referrals - absolutely the best method hands down - Facebook Advertising - Becoming a trusted expert in the forums of whatever platform you use ...


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