
Results for: Web Hosting

Good luck. I've heard good things about Namecheap. I used both their domain services and their basic hosting packages and the service has always been good, and the prices are more than fair. Advice: take the 2 year package, not the 1 year, because when you have to renew, the price goes up a bit....


Typically just moving from one server to the next has no issues at all so long as you're not making any other changes to the site, such as changing URLs in a re-design process. Just make sure its a quality, respected server. If the server has issues then, yeah, you'll inherit them. But otherwise ...


SaaS. Always. I am a founder of a Startup about to launch our first product (mobile app). We looked at this very question. In the end we looked at the impact the decision would have on our company's valuation. Based on my initial, informal discussions with funders in my area (Canadian Atlanti...


Microsoft Azure. For startups they give you a ton of stuff for free, and if you talk to someone there you can probably get even more. And when you're eventually ready to pay, you can just continue with them. Google's cloud offering is also free or cheap, but it's unclear what the future of tha...


GoToWebinar all the way. It's a bit pricey (but not too much), but it's by far the best solution out there. The last thing you want to do is use a free/cheap but unreliable provider and have your webinar experience massive connectivity issues or drop half way through.


Great Question! As I'm sure many other SEO's here have mentioned.. you should absolutely be leveraging the sub-folder as opposed to the sub-domain as Google and Bing associate sub domains as separate entities with their own value metrics outside of the primary root. The only real time I would re...


Godaddy is pain for developers and technical people, as it is set up for simple things. You can use any good hosting companies or any cloud servers. But if you need to talk to a human godaddy is a good option. Scalability will not be an issue with Godaddy, as they can sell you any infrastructure ...


In general no effect... and... Be aware all content in subfolders + subhosts is now considered part of domain, so make sure you stick with some sort of common theme across all your content... to maximize your SEO. Also, there's no real way to do what you describe... short of using sshfs or some...


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