In my experience, classified sites have always been a total waste of time. I've been in business for 15 years now and here's what has worked for me: - Referrals - absolutely the best method hands down - Facebook Advertising - Becoming a trusted expert in the forums of whatever platform you use ...
I would highly recommend connecting with someone who has experience here to shorten your learning curve if this is not what you do. For our agency, we spent a lot of time & money outlining and creating the infrastructure which now is mainly on autopilot for our outbound strategy. For example, w...
If you wanted to get creative about things and keep your costs down try this. Dropbox business for $795 a year / unlimited storage "Embed from Dropbox The second option requires at least a basic understanding of how HTML embed codes work. It’s not complicated, so don’t be scared off, but it’...
I would go for the direct client contact-approach for several reasons: - It sounds like you are still searching for exact client requirements. You will get those from talking to the clients directly. - You are not sure, whether your clients are enough tech-savvy that redd-it makes sense. This p...
One simple way is put them all in a tool like this and ping them
There's 2 types of customers for this segment that have a decent budget. 1) Funded tech startups (i.e. Anyone that recently closed a round on 2) Digital agencies (or their clients) who want to build a mobile app for marketing or convenience purposes. So for #1, you can target a...
a) are you good at selling? b) can you afford to hire someone? c) do you have time to sell? Until you can afford to and literally don't have the time too, my gut says do it solo.
Dakno Marketing...I was a very successful Realtor in Phoenix for 15 years and I was on the 1st page of Google for a lot of Luxury Home cities in the area. Dakno seems to understand the entire process better than anyone and they have been focused on it for probably all the years I was n business w...
One approach to consider is seeing if you can find a specific project type that you can replicate with many like clients. It's harder to sell 'web design' than a very specific 'great website for homeowners wanting to sell for-sale-by-owner', for example. One of the keys to profitable scale i...
It sounds like you just have a simple sales issue, and thankfully a high quality product :) The solution is simple, and you seem to have realized it already: you need to reduce the friction in your location for getting customers into your "front door" and providing them with (what I'm assuming)...