
Results for: Web development

NOT Wordpress! Facebook uses PHP among other languages, if that tells you anything. Every programmer will be bias toward what they like and what they are used to coding with. The bigger question for you is, have you completed your due diligence? Is there a real need for another crowd funding pl...


Web development jobs ask for experience, but what they're actually referring to is ability. You can "hack" this process by building projects publicly. Use GitHub, contribute to open source, and continue building for-fun projects to grow your skills. Send your GitHub link along with applications...


If I was just starting out, I'd consider learning Meteor ( It's just entered version 1.0 and after working with it for a little less than a year I do have some issues with it but it still makes for a very solid framework that gets you up and running very fast. You would o...


I would hurl myself toward getting the following working first: * User signup (default to user) * Profile setup (photo, etc). * Add Stripe information * Make it easy to share the link to my profile * Enable Expert-mode, to answer phone calls * Enable Twilio for calls * Set Hourly-rate for calls ...


The best technology is whatever gets you up and running the quickest. You'll throw away the first iteration (and possibly the second and third...) anyway. What you need most in the beginning is to test your idea and get feedback, and you need it fast.


To understand your need well, let's rephrase. You need to build a website where you'd want to market customized snow globes (or other product). The end goal is also to sell. What you'll need is to build a workflow for each of the product you wish to market which includes the base product, and the...


If you simply aggregating information than I don't see any issues with copyright. But, I would seek permission from the brokers/website owners to make sure business is protected. It doesn't hurt asking for permission, and if it directly benefits them to get leads/sales than none of them will say no.


Dear. there are many online tools/sites to analyze a website, technology, theme, plugins used. Try


I'd recommend both. That's what I've done, and I've never hurt for work. The thing is, many marketers offer lots of ideas, but are unable to implement the solutions. This means that a client has to hire a marketing consultant to create a plan, and THEN hire a designer/developer/etc. to actually ...


Trying to save money and time by going with a pre-made solution is going to pay you back with frustration later. Best bet is to always build from scratch or build from available components that you can configure the way your particular software needs to work. I would look to open-source javascrip...


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