
Results for: Website Conversion

Hi there. It depends a lot on your budget and what is needed. If you are looking only for some initial site audits, which would include full qualitative and quantitative research, testing ideas, identifying low-hanging fruits, funnel drop-off points, etc or if you also want someone to implement...


On a selective basis, I'm beginning to offer landing page content writing (including rewriting) services. If you think your website text may be less than stellar, I can take a look.


First, you need to make sure you have the conversion funnel set up properly. Enter the urls for all of the checkout steps (cart, login/register, checkout page, etc) and then look at the conversion funnel. This will help you to see if there are any bottlenecks or major problems causing a huge po...


Basically, conversion rate is goals divided by total visitors and multiplied by 100 to make it into a percentage. So if you have 100 sales and 10,000 visitors, your conversion rate would be: 1%. You need to measure 2 things in your case: 1. Conversion rate for each plugin. 2. Overall conversi...


This question is really hard to answer without knowing about what kind of exact B2B business we are talking about. However it is very easy to split test the whole process. You can use a free solution like Google Optimize or paid tools like: Just make sure to attribut...


There is no clear call to action on the site. What do you want a visitor to do? What's the primary goal, the secondary goal, etc. Additionally there is no value proposition. Yes you have reviews but so what. If I am the ideal customer why should I do x goal? These 2 elements will have the bigge...


Why don't you do a design hack rather than change. Add in the image of the actual report they get to get people excited. Also add it to your sidebar of the site and have your right side pop up show up further down.


Hi, I work for a FinTech saas company and we A/B all over our website. Not sure if you have done this already, but do you have a clearly defined ideal customer (buyer persona)? I mean a vivid picture of what your ideal client is like? where they are located (if that's relevant), their buying pat...


Let's start with digging into your target audience... Do they currently have art in their commercial spaces, or are they commercial spaces who have no art in public spaces? They are going to have different needs - the spaces with art will want to know "how" to work with you, while the businesses ...


You need a transitional CMO that brings people in and allows your results to close the sale. If these are typically $500+ creative projects, seek someone with B2B experience. Otherwise someone with ecommerce experience is still ideal.


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