It looks like you're not looking for someone who can scale and become a full fledged CTO (or you might not even need one), so try to look at it as a founding engineer hire instead. With early founding engineers, you can sell them on things like: - opportunity for learning - understanding busin...
There's 2 types of customers for this segment that have a decent budget. 1) Funded tech startups (i.e. Anyone that recently closed a round on 2) Digital agencies (or their clients) who want to build a mobile app for marketing or convenience purposes. So for #1, you can target a...
It depends on how your going about marketing yourself. It will have no effect on organic SEO, however if you are marketing via TV or radio where people have to remember and then go to the computer and type it yes most people will falsely remember .com and not .net. The tradeoffs could be minimal...
You always want to mitigate risk, for you and for investors, or partners. One of the easiest ways is creating fake landing pages of your product idea. You then run ads, fb or Google, and see if people 'convert'. Convert can be giving their email, clicking a button like buy now, faking all the way...
This is simple: In theory: You improve your targeting and only drive those who are actively looking for piano sheets. This website looks pretty good, I thought there for a second you had built it shopify, but if you did kudos! You're a BA. The traffic that this website might be getting might ...
I'm glad you described your market a bit. I have not seen a retainer model work in this space, but that's not saying you can't succeed with it. YOU are the expert, so I would not leave it to clients to choose what they want. If you do, you'll get clients who say, "Yeah, I hired them to make me ...
Hi! Since you are good with an .mp3 and don't need a WAV file, I'd highly recommend using a free conference call service to record and download your audio. I like, but my vendor of choice is for four reasons: first, no fees or ads whatsoever. Sec...
I would go for the direct client contact-approach for several reasons: - It sounds like you are still searching for exact client requirements. You will get those from talking to the clients directly. - You are not sure, whether your clients are enough tech-savvy that redd-it makes sense. This p...
It does violate the TOS for most social sites and PPC advertisers. Additionally, you're not doing your end customers any favors because you are selling them access to crap contacts who are not necessarily interested in their product. Don't do it. Build your own targeted list of 1000 legitimatel...
As someone who's built WordPress websites for business owners for about 5 years now, I'd say start small, then scale from there. The important thing is to focus on delivering a unique service. The problem with this industry is that designers and developers always focus on what they can do for th...