
Results for: Weddings

Hi, Please can you be more specific? Mentors, team and experts is very broad and would be used for different purposes. Are you looking for different people for different reasons for each of these or more generalist people? What do you need from these people? Feel free to give me a call to di...


Dakno Marketing...I was a very successful Realtor in Phoenix for 15 years and I was on the 1st page of Google for a lot of Luxury Home cities in the area. Dakno seems to understand the entire process better than anyone and they have been focused on it for probably all the years I was n business w...


Hi, Good luck with you venture! You basically have two options. Funded vs. bootstrapped mode. Assuming you are not going to look for investment for this particular project, your other option is to bootstrap. Bootstrapping is becoming more and more popular nowadays, since it lets you gauge the r...


One approach to consider is seeing if you can find a specific project type that you can replicate with many like clients. It's harder to sell 'web design' than a very specific 'great website for homeowners wanting to sell for-sale-by-owner', for example. One of the keys to profitable scale i...


PHP is not outdated, there is no real concensus on what is the most popular programming language out there, some people are obviously biased, some based it off number of job postings in which case PHP and possibly .NET are the top ones. It depends on what you are doing. See them as upgrades on ea...


1) Designing Your Invention (CAD Software): A) If you just want a shell of your invention, then learn to use Rhino3D, or some other 3D design software. B) If you want to have the entire mechanical internals of your invention be a part of your prototype, then use something like Solidworks which...


Whenever you assign them a task, break down the task into small chunks. Make the chunks as small as you can (within reason, and to the extent that your knowledge allows), and tell your devs that if any chunks seem large, that they should further break those chunks down into bite size pieces. Fo...


Apart from what you want, when choosing a white label website builder, cost will be a crucial deciding factor. Find a reseller program that matches your cost expectations but do not settle for anything less in terms of quality. As a designer, you will probably have adopted a particular style for ...


Use Wordpress if you're familiar with Office tools like Word. Watch some videos on Youtube to learn about it. Advantage: you own the domain. If you're not, there are plenty of drag-and-drop builders available out there. Disadvantage: you don't own the domain; it's a subdomain of the host eg. y...


SaaS. Always. I am a founder of a Startup about to launch our first product (mobile app). We looked at this very question. In the end we looked at the impact the decision would have on our company's valuation. Based on my initial, informal discussions with funders in my area (Canadian Atlanti...


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