
Results for: Weddings

Dear. there are many online tools/sites to analyze a website, technology, theme, plugins used. Try


Typically just moving from one server to the next has no issues at all so long as you're not making any other changes to the site, such as changing URLs in a re-design process. Just make sure its a quality, respected server. If the server has issues then, yeah, you'll inherit them. But otherwise ...


There's many ways to help with this, here's what I do at Clarity 1. Build an email relationship with your supply. They should have direct access to you, and you should build an ongoing drip campaign that teaches them how to improve their experience (and make more money) on Clarity. 2. For memb...


Start by building your own web site, and make it look/work perfectly. You aren't going to get anyone to hire you if your own site looks shoddy! WordPress is probably your best bet as there are enough plugins to handle whatever your first few clients will want, and the community is there to help...


I would hurl myself toward getting the following working first: * User signup (default to user) * Profile setup (photo, etc). * Add Stripe information * Make it easy to share the link to my profile * Enable Expert-mode, to answer phone calls * Enable Twilio for calls * Set Hourly-rate for calls ...


This is my kind of question! First off, let me tell you that you have a very well built website and the content and context is very good (I speak Spanish) My name is Humberto Valle, MBA Competitive Strategist - I'm an experienced web developer, programmer, and inbound growth strategist and have ...


Regardless of the industry/website type, use a service like to get some qualitative feedback. It often reveals some of the technical or user experience issues that you can become blind to having worked on the site for so long. On the day of launch, put some kind of prominent bann...


S3 (anything Amazon) is most costly approach you can take. Best you book a call with me or someone who works on this type of project daily. For EBS/NFS, all slow/glitchy tech. You'll only use this type tech if you love daily aggravation + have infinite free time to debug problems. Better solut...


There are couple of ways i suggest it based on 15+ years I have in building offshore teams in Asia 1) India is becoming for start-up Hub now. If you want to start small, you can start searching for these companies by technology expertise you can looking for like Data Science, ML etc. You will st...


It will depend upon your relationship with the investor. If the investor have trust upon you, then you may pitch anytime, however, if you don't know the investor for long, then you have to follow a process. You may setup a call to discuss more.


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