
Results for: Work Life Balance

Set parameters based on life, not work. For example, commit to never miss a child's event or date lunch/dinner. Leave work at work. Take vacations without your smartphone, iPad and computer (something I struggle with!).


OF COURSE IT'S STRESSFUL TO BE A PARENT!!! It's the hardest damn job in the world. Not sure you can have balance though. You just need to have a dream, execute your plan, and fix what is broken at the time. It's about priorities... Use tools to keep you scheduled and accountable. You'll be OK.


Hey there - I work with entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley but mostly with what I call the Big Dreamers - people that would never be able to hold down a job, but can go out there and do something magical with their unusual talents. I am working on 2 books with different people, marketing their produ...


Hi! so sorry to learn that you are going through this! I have some information for you in the following link HOWEVER please note that I am not a Doctor or Medical professional (I do work in healthcare and I have an MBA in Healthcare Mgmt)-- I am a researcher and sociologist and I personally use...


As a fellow workaholic, I can't possibly advise you. But there's an excellent podcast series by an acquaintance / former client of mine called Dadverb that's all about balancing work life with fatherhood. He interviews successful entrepreneurs about how they find the right work-life balance. Y...


Remote work is here to stay. Employees want the opportunity to work from home, and technology gives us that ability. I think we'll find that 100% in person/in office jobs will be more difficult to attract and retain employees. People want work-life balance and remote work is one way to achieve it.


Ramping up a new business is challenging, and there's no doubt that some — emphasis on SOME — sacrifices have to be made. Destination weddings and big vacations may have to wait until your cash flow improves. However, be careful not to fall into the trap of believing that any time spent away fr...


Depending on the state you live in and whatever paperwork you signed when you joined the company, I would consult a disability or worker's rights lawyer and have them review your company's policies so they can provide some potential options going forward.


I recommend committing yourself to a standard vetting process. There's nothing like a night of sleep to set you straight. Try to disprove the thesis. If you can't stop thinking about it after 60 days, you may be onto something.


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