
Results for: bootstrapping

A typical rule of thumb would be that an established company sets aside around 15% of the outstanding shares at any point in time for employee options. Those get split up among employees based on their contributions. Depending how key these VPs are relative to other employees you have (remember ...


I built and sold an enterprise company to IBM. While the fundraising climate was very different then, here are the things you should look out for: As a general rule, if you're going to raise money, then you want to raise enough money that you can get the company to the next stage at which you'll...


There is a tremendous amount of buzz surrounding content marketing and its need within a brand’s overall marketing strategy. Doing content marketing is much more than publishing on your blog occasionally and posting your thoughts on social media. “Do stuff and maybe it will work” is not a strate...


Generally bootstrapped startups should avoid salespeople, for a few reasons: a. they typically can't afford the base and overall comp required to attract sales people who can actually sell / or afford to support them with marketing, management, etc b. it will be very difficult to find the rare pe...


Microsoft Azure. For startups they give you a ton of stuff for free, and if you talk to someone there you can probably get even more. And when you're eventually ready to pay, you can just continue with them. Google's cloud offering is also free or cheap, but it's unclear what the future of tha...


If you need instant revenue, a PPC campaign might be the best approach. I would always suggest hiring a person or agency to manage that unless you have someone on staff that focuses on that alone. Doing PPC yourself is easy, but it's rarely the most profitable way to go due to the nuances that ar...


These apps are as good as the overall functionality that you require. Goodbarber is probably the better choice overall amongst the two. Goodbarber has more options when it comes to making design changes and also has many different templates you can choose from. Appypie well sucks. The interface f...


Could it be called Sketchy? Yes. Does everyone do it in every industry to get insider info on competitor pricing and presentation.... Pretty much. With that said if any do present as people you would like to work with, then for sure let them know what you were doing, that they made the cut, and ...


Honestly? Me. Admittedly, my focus is very narrow -- brand names and domains. But I see an appalling number of good startups begin by blundering in that narrow little area I know. Just as many get it right; yet even the fortunately named sometimes just luck out, without really thinking things...


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