
Results for: bootstrapping

Well, I made money in the first the first couple months, actually. I run a consulting business. The other guys...let's get some definitions going here. They made revenue. Unless they were totally hopeless, they had some cash coming in. But they also had expenses going out. Manufacture...


Hi There, Your question is related to a very popular topic which is email list building. This is an area where maximum marketers strugle at the start. It is because building a big and responsive email list is not straight forward. Customers are getting skeptic every day. They take maximum 5 s...


1. First you need to establish who you are. Your identity. Then you need to create identity for cookies that you are making. What makes them so special? Is there something really different about them? Is it your grandmothers recipe that uses X and Y ingredients? 2. People need to know who you ar...


Hi! I'm no expert on this but I'll give you my advice on my general insights... Because you are a small company, assuming just yourself and whether or not your competing with any other team, your website's route display is a huge plus from your potential clients perspective. It gives them an id...


My focus is business strategy and development, I am also a geek-at-heart! There are a few things to dig into to get rolling. With your strength in tech - tap into virtual resources or even crowdsourcing to get the work done from a marketing and sales lead perspective leaving you to focus on wha...


Applying for a Tax ID (EIN) is pretty simple and can be done online during the week by visiting: Doing so will enable you not to have to use your social security number whe...


I guess now is the time to start implementing the plan! What does it say there? :) Seriously - need to think strategy and go for the missing pieces ... I doubt you need a lawyer or SBA advise to get started. But the details of course depend on what is it you are trying to do. Happy to chat if y...


I actually pre-sold copies of my book in order to pay for the inital setup and printing costs. Here's my suggestion: 1) Create a list of people you'll invite to the raffle 2) Don't just email people, call them to get them excited about the raffle and ask if they'd participate 3) Have a compelling...


Excellent question (and excellent answers here too). I'm 18 months into my start-up. That's 18 months of learning what is essential to survival and what is a waste of energy and space. Here is what is helping me most: 1. Communication essentials: Business cards (, laptop, phone, and Int...


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