Hi. Parse should do the job ( https://www.parse.com ). We've successfully used them at Vuzum across many native and hybrid apps on both iOS and Android.
If I'm reading this correctly, you're essentially asking if there is a market for marketing services. To which the answer is a resounding 'yes'. Effective marketing and sales is essentially giving people money. If you are wondering whether photography and facebook content is effective, there ar...
At Bearpaw Partners we get asked the question about content related posts all the time. As we all know Google loves fresh, compelling content. It sounds like you have plenty of content, just make sure its extremely relevant to the topic you are posting about. How often are you planning on bloggi...
Invest it in yourself and find a great job that will pay the bills while you work on your own venture. Whether that means buying new work-appropriate clothes, books in your profession, a new certification or even interview coaching is up to you. I'd find a company that is emerging in an industry ...
Debt is nothing more than a math problem. You modify the equation (income/expenses). You modify the outcome. Simple as that. Over 20 years in the debt relief space has shown me its nothing more than a physiological problem, once you get your mindset in check, the math problem takes care of it...
No two businesses are identical and it is not recommended that you use a generator or copy and paste another companies terms of service and privacy policy. Although your business models may be similar, each business has their own unique identifiers which warrant a proprietary PP and TOS. If you u...
A startup is in essence the "art" of juggling. Of course you need some sort of "income" to pay for rent, food while your startup or business begins to generate cash flow. Ideally you should have at least 6 months of saving, sufficient time to give you a clear outlook of what will happen with yo...
There are two value sets here: yours and the prospect's. You may value your service at $X, but if your prospect doesn't see it that way, that value does not exist. However, you do have to start off with your target value. Have a "base/best case" value, and a "bare minimum/worst case" value. Th...
I have not heard of the $1,000 rule; however, the determination for the need of a business license will come more from the requirements of your local government. Check with your local economic development office to determine what licensing would or would not be needed for the particular type of ...
Fun perks? Hell no! Most people don't give because there's no assurance that money will be used properly. It may simply be feeding a habit or going down a bottomless pit. If a homeless person were raising money not for himself directly but for a reputable charity, then that might motivate con...