
Results for: iOS Development

First and foremost, I would challenge you to test the user experience and prove the concept of your product before building a mobile app. Mobile app development is not cheap and if you get the feature set wrong from a user standpoint, you will have spent money to develop blindly. Can you build a ...


In this order: 1. Track record 2. identification with your app 3. Personal fit with you 4. Location 5. Costs


They can. There are framework to address this issue and be cross-platform such as React or Ionic. It is very possible.


Well, the biggest cost here wouldn't be in the app, but in the server infrastructure. As usual with connected apps, people often forget they have to be connected to servers. The app itself is just a view to what the servers provide, so it's not the major cost. 20K $ to 100K $ should be enough. On...


It's a bit difficult to give an estimate with the information provided. I'm not sure if your question is related to adding privacy to an existing server code or you need the whole server side done. The later is significantly more cost and has an unknown scope based on only the info given. You ...


Sure, it's correlative for technical reasons, iTunes / AppStore does not provide (yet, might change) a mechanism for that, so 3rd parties have to build their own. I recently discussed with people from Adjust and I was really impressed. HasOffers / MobileAppTracking seems to be a good choice as well.


How can someone be an expert at iOS anything? Particularly with 12 years of experience. When did the iPhone sdks become available? 2009?


You can do this by using a server backend such as Parse. They have a free SDK. There are other similar options and I believe apple is rolling out the same thing in iOS 8 with CloudKit.


I tried Basecamp, Jira, Unfuddle, Trello and PivotalTracker before for different projects which were developed with agile approach. All of them worked fine to me and I needed some time to setup my framework and processes there. I think it would be worth checking Trello or PivotalTracker which I ...


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