I'm answering with the assumption that you are going to deploy this B2B rather than B2C. Developing traction before the fact for business or enterprise solutions can be tough - you can't presell them in the way that you can with a widget, you can't drive masses of consumer traffic to them to t...
I think it's important to understand your business goals before jumping into app development. Have you created a Lean Canvas or something like that? Do you know who the customer is and what they want? Has the developer built anything that they can show, even a mock-up or prototype? It's tempting ...
Great question. Happy to have a conversation on this (I currently have a reduced launch rate) and explore your options but here are my top tips. 1) Tailor my advice to your business's niche and obviously look in that area, but for example great cofounders could probably be found as follows - cont...
There are many discussions these days about how small business owners struggle to get connected and stay connected with their communities of interest. Whether the priorities are personal or professional, the concerns are the same; where do I go to find and share amongst my peers, relevant and con...
What kind of Culture do you want your company to exemplify? Culture being the shared values - a sense of right and wrong - and principles - guidelines for taking action - of any collective group, what you actually would like to analyze more deeply is...yourself. In the startups I have mentored...
I've heard of people having some success with https://www.cofounderslab.com/ but overall you just have to get serious about networking at technical Meetups, etc. It really depends on your geographic location. In some cities this is easier than in others. I have cofounders in different states, so ...
What city are you in? Are you talking about your product or do you keep it secret? Finding a team is one of the most difficult parts. Make sure you ask friends of friends if they are interested. People often forget to tap their network to find talent. There are a lot of events that help find st...
I don't live in Chicago, but there is a Co-Founders Lab there that provides networking opportunities to find fellow entrepreneurs and co-founders. Here's a link for more info: http://www.1871.com/cofounderslab-comes-to-chicago/
Hmmm? This is a tough one because your product is so wonderfully horizontal, meaning it applies to a very broad set of cases. I'd slice and dice in two directions. First, I'd think about the general process of collaboration on a document, for example: a) drafting - are two people actually wr...
There is a risk. At some point, you have to trust that the people you surround yourself with will not take your IP to a competitor. I doubt you will blindly add folks to your team without establishing a relationship with them first. This relationship is the basis upon which the trust is built. ...