Backendless is a mobile app development platform and also provides server functionalities. You need to develop your app using the platform. See resource below to determine if it is right for your app "Using Backendless developers can focus solely on the user experience and client-side business ...
I would highly recommend connecting with someone who has experience here to shorten your learning curve if this is not what you do. For our agency, we spent a lot of time & money outlining and creating the infrastructure which now is mainly on autopilot for our outbound strategy. For example, w...
I've been developing web and iPhone apps for a while and I usually recommend to first use the provided sharing mechanisms. They provide great flexibility and as well don't require your app to request permissions on external networks. Using the iOS SDK sharing components will also save you preciou...
If I may ask, "What's your definition of *mean* marketing?" In my more than a decade experience with companies, people have always asked for smart ways to market a product or service. I haven't found anyone trying to be *mean* with customers, as the word definitely doesn't carries a positive conn...
I can help you with some real downloads that would get you Guaranteed App Reviews (Anywhere between 20-1000 App Reviews) Reviews drive the most number of future downloads. Feel Free to talk to me about this opportunity.
My go-to is Good experiences all around.
Using Google Places API and storing the results in your own database likely violates the terms of service. Likewise, you are limited to the number of calls per day to the API. If you expect users to appreciate (and pay for) the software you are generating, you should do likewise. Go with the l...
I know that on Facebook and Twitter you can schedule ads and posts so that question should be answered. I know in Facebook you can target users by whether they're using a mobile or desktop device and also by which operating system they're using i.g. iOS or Android You can also target by intere...
I tried Basecamp, Jira, Unfuddle, Trello and PivotalTracker before for different projects which were developed with agile approach. All of them worked fine to me and I needed some time to setup my framework and processes there. I think it would be worth checking Trello or PivotalTracker which I ...
Cost will definitely depends on your specific requirements, and the web agency. For example, for the mobile repair side, are customers able to schedule a date/time for the repair and have to enter in their location? Does there need to be a system in place to ensure there's no double bookings? T...