
Results for: mobile

Without question you can! I've put out over 150 apps into the app store without knowing how to code and have gotten over 1 million downloads in the consumer space. You just need to find the best people to help you see your vision through. Start by putting together a clickable prototype so ...


This is a loaded question! Depending on what you do of course the answer will vary. Im the founder and CEO of a Robinhood marketing agency, dubbed - We bring big business marketing tools and strategies with small, growing companies. My schedule is very different than that of a CE...


As the host of 'The App Guy Podcast', I can introduce you to a few good developers ranging from inexpensive locations to $100 per hour top rates. As a quick guess, this type of app will start from $900 using a cross platform solution (Like Titanium Studio) to $5000 for Objective-C apps written on...


Geez, if you are asking this because the person or people building this don't know the answer, you don't have a technical team capable of launching your "thing" ASAP. This is such a basic technical question that you need to stop what you're doing and find a competent technical co-founder before ...


This is a very large matter, of course. It needs thorough investigation, otherwise would be a grandiose waste of money and time and will lead to a failure. I have business experience in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Central Asia. And I am convinced, whatever is well working in o...


i was once a freelancer all the time i am accepting payments from different clients around the can setup an account on a online company the supports online money transfers and serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods like checks and money orders. the most common ...


Mobile app that has launched: You need ALL of the following: 1) Trending towards or at 100000 installs within first 90 days of launch; 2) Day 30 retention rate of at least 20% 3) Core "MTM" (metric that matters) healthy (dependent on business model, usage model etc) 4) Evidence that growth is j...


If you're talking about building your own communication device, then you'll need someone who has experience building hardware and the software required to control it. But anyone you're going to talk to is going to need convincing that you can provide the capital necessary to get this off the gro...


How did you come to the $10K number? Based on revenue? Each of your contributions? Tough to answer this without understanding if the app is on the upswing or on decline etc. So... Does he want 5% equity of the app or 5% residual royalties? My guess is that he wants to participate in the revenue...


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