1. Get your marketing collateral together. Your case study and testimonials from your beta trial. Make sure you have a demo app ready so you can walk into any medical clinic and show the product on the spot. 2. For this industry, perhaps consider a small digital signage campaign. If you don't kn...
Hi, I used to work in the corporate payments industry. What you're looking for is a 'Purchasing Card' with higher order data transmission (sometimes referred to as 'level 3.') Card issuers with this kind of technology usually offer it to large organizations and the 'what was purchased' data onl...
I founded one of the first independent app development studios just as App Store went live in 2008. In addition to building this successful indie studio, I've helped dozens of companies launch successful apps on App Store and Play Store. Congratulations! Ten thousand downloads a day is a great s...
For the sake of getting your question answered here it would help to simplify but that aside without firm stats on engagement and sharing it would be difficult to say however with the paid expansion of game like Flappy Bird, Angry Birds I would say viral apps come close to if not over a k-factor ...
There are tons of Free QR code creators (or low cost). You could create a coupon, assign unique QR codes for each affiliate (place them on cars), and scan them in store to give proper credit to the affiliates. The only problem I see with this is: human nature. We forget things, lose things, and...
You would have to apply for non profit status, which means you would have to incorporate as one of the 29 different 501c classifications. Since I don't know of the details of your business model I would not be able to say for certain, but it is contingent on your company fitting the description o...
You don't create a business plan in the traditional sense of a business plan. It's a totally inefficient and outdated way to think about how to start, run and grow an app-based business. The best way to pitch investors is with the app itself. That is to say, unless you and your team have relev...
Niche down! Find a way to appeal to a certain demographic. You can't compete with Messenger or Whatsapp when it comes to their reach. But you can compete on features or how you position your product. Add features to your product that the bigger products don't have. it could be something lik...
I think push vs in-app are two different things, like email and telephone call. Push reaches people who are not using your app, but require OS-level permission. In-app gives you much more flexibility but they only reach people who are using your app (obviously!). As to whether in-house or extern...