How can someone be an expert at iOS anything? Particularly with 12 years of experience. When did the iPhone sdks become available? 2009?
You need to publish tidbits of how to accomplish this online for free to become an authority on the subject. When you become known for this then companies will pay you to consult on it. In the short term, partner with development shops who build apps for customers. Get them onboarded as rese...
I'm not familiar with the specifics of iOS's interruption of other apps when calls come in, so there may be a simpler solution somewhere in the iOS device API. An end-around solution might be to keep the call alive on a central server that acts as an intermediate switchboard (a third caller, so...
It is always a good idea, but what you have to verify is that a product with a lower price will give the perception that it has a lower quality. If you want more advice, I am at your service.
An andoid app when published on Google Play automatically get SDK integrated.
Hi, my name is Kruno, I was senior software Architect on a couple of projects all around the world. For what I got from your video it is obvious that it will be some kind of client-server architecture. My suggestion for the client side is Spring Boot + MongoDB + AngularJS (for building admin pan...
I have noticed a 1% conversion rate to the Buy button. This is normal and anything over 1% is icing on the cake sales. That is actually 1 out of 100 sales which we notice with some of the apps we help our clients develop as well as the ecommerce websites we build for businesses. Our highest conv...
Yes. Who I would recommend would depend on what you'd like to see happen. Are you building only for iOS, or only for Android, or both? Will you have a bunch of content/stuff in your app or just a little? Are you thinking game or non-game app? Do you already have a big fanbase or would you be tryi...
Hi there, I totally understand your nervousness. Your App Store credentials probably feel like the keys to the kingdom. The question you have to answer is whether or not you trust your offshore development team. If the answer is no, you could use a "remote control" app like TeamViewer (http://www...
I've used the Foursquare API for a lot of different kinds of applications, both web and mobile. In my opinion you should not store any venue information in your application for a couple of reasons. First, I think the terms and conditions you agreed to when signing up for an API key prohibit yo...