
Results for: mobile

Hello, thanks for ask. Well, in the Web are specialized sites for coders, developers and testers. I reccomend you the three I consider best for your searching: 1.Toptal: It matches the a good percentage of freelance developers with employers. Based on your project description, you will be matche...


You can hire app development freelancers from and I am an app developer myself, and I got profiles on both of these networks, a link is given below: Please feel free to get in touch to discuss ideas and clarify any con...


Tehcnically speaking the only qualification is the type of development you need. However, if you referring to guideline son how to find and assess good outsourcing partners, you should keep in mind: - speed/quality of communication - previous work - payment/delivery terms satisfy your needs More...


Here are the main alternatives to AdMob divided into tiers based on scale: Tier one: a) MoPub b) Amazon Publisher Services c) Facebook Audience Network Tier two: a) Verizon b) Smaato c) Fyber d) MobFox e) InMobi f) AdColony g) Rubicon h) AppNexus i) Pubmatic j) OpenX k) Chartboost l) Unity Ads m)...


I'd start with messaging the admins of the various Facebook groups dedicated to mobile game development and asking if they'd be willing to 1) enable you to put up a post about the SDK, and 2) pin the post for a week so that you get a bit more visibility within those communities. You can also find...


I guess the best answer is, it depends. What kind of mobile game are you marketing? Who are you targeting? For what platform? (iOS, Android?) Different ad networks work better than others depending on the type of game. A good place to start would be MoPub, MDotM, Manage, and Insight.


They can. There are framework to address this issue and be cross-platform such as React or Ionic. It is very possible.


In case Godaddy does not offer you a bigger data transfer plan, you can move to Heroku. They let you choose how much efficient you want to configure your server


Designer. Specifically a UX "designer" as you say, who doesn't just draw screens, and won't draw any for weeks or months. They will not just use their knowledge but will go out and talk to users, observe how they solve the same problem today, and help create the scope of work, and design the basi...


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