
Hi Sounds like you've done a good job so far ("consistent users and daily downloads"). Well done. You're welcome to message me with more details and I'll let you know if I can help. Good luck


No, unlikely any customers will trust you with their money. Better to get a worker job, go back to college or grad school, and/or learn a trade, where your conviction will not matter.


You need to create a profile on Linkedin and be active, post and comment on others profiles. It's a process but people help people they know. Executives are extremely busy people and they protect their time. Also try Facebook groups, again you'll have to join and interact- that's networking in so...


Hi, It's easy to find them (e.g. LinkedIn, Google etc.) but, just like I advise clients that are looking for development partners to do projects, you should really take the time to work out your criteria for selecting the right partner and the questions you want to ask them before approaching th...


Ping me and I may be able to assist you! I was a former high school math teacher and now current edtech entrepreneur.


You have a couple of choices and you need to get tax and legal advice before moving forward. The UK company could establish a subsidiary in the US. Profits earned there would flow up to the UK parent after local taxes etc. Assets transfered may create liabilities, talk to CPA. The other way is fo...


A member buyout option for a startup partnership LLC can be structured in a number of ways, depending on the specific circumstances of the partnership and the agreement of the members. One common way to structure a buyout is for the purchasing member(s) to pay the selling member(s) an agreed-upo...


Everyone does this. For example, take the entire LAMP ecosystem. You could write your own Linux + Apache + MariaDB + PHP + OpenSSL + WordPress... Or you can just use these, as they currently exist. Same applies to ideas. Dan Kennedy is found of saying, "Pioneers come back riddled with arrows...


Water. The primary reason for any inflammation has as a primary cause or contributing factor... dehydration... Target 1oz/1lb/day of water, moving up to 2oz/lb/day. So if you weight 100lbs, start out with 100 oz./day, moving up to 2oz./day. My intake for years runs between 1.5-2+ oz./day. Th...


There is no minimum. The answer doesn't lie with how large your product catalogue is but your product differentiators. You can open a store with a single decor product for that matter. Instead of looking at volume, think about these aspects: - quality: is my product better? And how so? - price:...


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