
Depends on your goal. Many times leveraging is a far better solution. Also using Direct Mail, rather than Digital Marketing, for Virtual events can be highly effective because hardly anyone is willing to do the minimal work required to do Direct Mail. If you do this minimal ...


Hi I work with a lot of startups. You're welcome to contact me so that I can get to you know better and help connect you with them. I'm also currently working with a friend on starting our own startup (after completing a previous one). He is also very talented (programmer / Data analyst and other...


If you are asking about searching for previous questions you have asked on the Clarity platform, you can use the search bar on the Clarity website. There you can search by keyword or filter by project or topic to find your past questions. Additionally you also can check your previous interactions...


My first thought would be look at Facebook Marketing and really target those adverts to people who are maybe part of certain groups or in certain areas if you need them to be local. FB marketing can start from as little as £1 a day so it's a good place to try and see what happens even if you only...


Try they have real chat agents that work on multiple sites at once, so you can have them manage your chat from about $2/hr (per website, not per person) - or if you want something automated try (free) There's also


Hi, You could use something like a Website as a Service (WaaS) that allows you to create a platform that users can sign up to and pay you monthly for a service. You just need a domain name ( and then users would get a subdomain ( or they can register their own domain...


A resposta vai depender muito do seu ramo de negocio e a quantidade de investimento e, consequentemente, o que pode pagar. Seu servico eh so de back-end? Ou tem front-end tambem?Certamente, precisa de QA. Se puder pagar, bom ter um DevOps para cuidar dos deployments. Se nao, veja se alguem do ba...


Hi there, I recommend creating a job description and posting it on Indeed. We've had success with Indeed as it doesn't cost us to post jobs on their platform. Also, speak with a Business Attorney as they can guide you on what to offer your new hires if you're offering equity vs. salary. Hope this...


Hi, I am the Managing Director of a $100m Technology Company. In my experience, the best mentors and coaches are those who have been there and done it. Whilst business school education is extremely beneficial, I personally find far more value in coaching from those who have been successful in t...


Try getting someone famous (in relevance to your target/desired audience) to post that they are on your platform (be sure to make sure that the platform works and gives value before approaching them - otherwise nothing you do will work). p.s.: before launching, did you actually check that there w...


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