
If this idea already exists, who thinks exactly like you? There's only one of you. You can make a nice profit while helping others make their dreams come true. New companies are created everyday worldwide. Let's discuss this further on a call. If you do nothing, how are you impacting the world?


Trust is the glue that holds two people together, it can be compromised sometimes yes because we are human, yes, but how we respond to those that we have compromised their trust is so important. Simple this like I am sorry, with deep remorse goes a long way. Making it up to you with action is als...


Hello - this is a classic Chicken-Egg question. First, you need to identify the specific need that the buyers and sellers are facing. Are there already marketplaces that do what you're suggesting? Do those marketplaces have weaknesses? Do they have massive brand awareness that would make it diff...


They did many years ago. The app was not updated for some time after purchased by As a result, Apple flagged it and removed it from the App Store. It was convenient and much easier to stay connected with callers, experts, and incoming messages.


There are so many ideas. What skills do you have? Can you sell them at an hourly or weekly rate? Do you have an asset (pickup truck, empty bedroom, etc) that you can rent out? Can you mow lawns? Trim trees? Clean debris? Take trash to the dump or transfer station? Can you walk dogs? Can you pic...


It is every day that I can see new entrepreneurs coming out with mostly basic but common clone script issues. There is always BIG question that where I can find the best clone scripts or how to identify a particular provider’s solution is the BEST. Try: Best Clone Script Provider of 2021 I rea...


Here's what I would do. Find and vet one good specialist. Perhaps for just one of the platforms. Have them at the ready and tell they they'll be paid per job. Validation comes when someone hands over their money for your service. I'd then share and promote the service everywhere I could. I would ...


Divi Booster is a good option to get that added functionality without having to code. Divi Switch is another really good, and comparable option. Hard to say one is better than the other. In fact, you can run both at the same time. It comes down to evaluating your needs vs their features. But ulti...


If you have any trouble in job search then you can choose another source for it, please to though with, and linkedin these job apps are best for job search. Even I have been using these apps and my experience is good. Before job search first you update your resume properly th...


Hey, I think the number one issue you're going to face is a factor of viability, to them you're a new website, not really well known and even if they give you the listing of the products, will you actually be able to generate interest and sales for them? Once we understand this it would be much ...


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