
I would recommend upwards of three locations: - Austria - Canada - Wherever you are primarily doing business If your CEO is simply from Austria, and not doing business there, I don't think protection is necessary. If you are selling / presenting in the US (for example), I would strongly recomme...


I wish you had included more details in your question. There are a lot of experts on the site that would be happy to contribute their knowledge and wisdom to help you outline your business plan, but you've left a lot to be desired in what you're trying to learn. A basic business plan would incl...


As a certified career coach/ professional resume writer and a former Recruiter, I am often asked this question “ I have a great resume, I believe that I’m qualified and a good fit for all these open positions” despite the fact, I have submitted hundreds of applications, I’m not generating any in...


Divide your task in multiple steps. Then tackle each one individually. First, think on how the industry (in your case professional studio rental, but also production agency) is developing in the next years. Think of the context, competitors, new technologies (in video production - AI generated ...


Without some more information on what you're trying to achieve, I'm not sure you'll find many experts who can weigh in. Your question is somewhat vague. Consider booking a meeting with an expert in the open source or social media industry. I'm sure they would love to help. All the best, -Shaun


The phone calls are not encrypted. Clarity provides a phone number for both the expert and user to call. The call is timed from when both parties connect to when one hangs up. I hope this helps.


I recommend committing yourself to a standard vetting process. There's nothing like a night of sleep to set you straight. Try to disprove the thesis. If you can't stop thinking about it after 60 days, you may be onto something.


I'd recommend you look at getting the deal with the Service Provider, as the possibility of having security misconfigurations on your own WordPress instance is far higher. Going with a service provider restricts the amount of things one can configure (or misconfigure!) Feel free to reach out to ...


The National Association of Realtors (NAR) is a professional trade organization for real estate agents in the United States. It is one of the largest trade groups in the country, with over 1.4 million members. The organization provides a variety of services to its members, including education and...


The first thing you need to do is clarify your idea. A "mobile wallet" can mean a lot of things. Are you wanting to build an app, a company that partners with credit card providers, or create a vehicle to save on medical bills? You must think about this and research. Once you have clarified you...


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