
It is tricky but not possible. Having been in your situation I can appreciate the challenge that lies ahead. Investors took for signals to create reassurance and trust, things that are generally tangible like an MVP, initial customers, the first proofs that customers are willing to pay and a pr...


It is the old question of time vs money, that most entrepreneuer face. First everyone assumes their idea is great. I am not talking to you personally but the statistics show that this is not the truth. Even with careful market research (not just asking Google and friends) there is always a chanc...


As Dan Kennedy says, "Explorers tend to return full of arrows." In other words, good chance of failure trying anything new. Do something old, with a new spin. Tip: Read through Kennedy's books (I could 60+ on my bookshelf) about how to do... business spins... slapping a new face on an old indu...


You will probably get more or better responses posting this type of question on a forum for software developers like stackexchange because the people who actually know the answer to your question are most likely people who work at this company or used to work here, who might have signed an NDA th...


The fastest way to accomplish this is probably to use and hire someone to scrape the email addresses and send them to you in a spreadsheet. Or post an ad on Craigslist with a description of what you want and you will get a ton of responses. On Fiverr perform a search for "scrape email...


The answer is it depends. It depends on what you need the software for and how it adds value and creates a moat against your competitors. I'm not sure what sector you are thinking of, but if you are an online retailer then probably not as the software in that sector is fairly advanced and matur...


Whenever you write on Clarity keep in mind that they are not just reading but speaking your words loud and clear inside their head. Communication has three key aspects. Tone of the voice, Body Language and Words, on Clarity two are absent and one is present. Words play a vital role in virtual com...


Most expenses (in most countries) that are directly related to the advancing your business are tax deductible. For example, marketing on FB or Google Ads, using an attorney or other counsel - like on clarity. Good luck


You're going to have to be much more specific than that, otherwise the answer is most likely going to be "it depends on...." Bankruptcy has lots of pros but also lots of cons so you want to get a solid answer for your specific situation.


I have no experience with this but my initial thinking is that you might have a setting that needs to be set correctly so you might want to double check all the settings and options. The reason I feel like this might be the case is because I would think most terms would provide at least some typ...


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