
Finding a cofounder is tough, especially at early stage. I think the way your are approaching it make sense and I followed a similar path. Once you have developed an MVP you will have more to show both to potential cofounders, employees and investors. This will also allow you to raise some see...


What you're asking is very complex and to me 2% to 4% seems like a terrible ROI. There is a lot of information that needs to be provided to determine how to structure the deal and if it's even a good deal. Are you getting equity (a part of the ownership of the company) for your investment? If yes...


I believe that you can better learn from a real world example, this link will help you in that and you will surely gain valuable insights: Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://c...


To determine market size, you will need to look at potential customer data or revenue/transactions each year. You will need to: 1. Define your target customer and audience 2. Estimate audience size and target customers 3. Determine growth rate if possible taking into account organic and churn 4....


One way to do this is by selling products to your customers and upon sale, the customer will pay for the merchandise. Once the payment is processed, you can use this money to purchase your good and then you can ship it directly to the customer. That way, you will utilize the customers' money in...


My 12-month vision and execution plan is to build on my existing Clarity profile by leveraging both organic and paid content strategies to attract more people to my platform. I will also focus on continuing to provide quality service and advice to those who reach out. Finally, I will be actively ...


- You must first understand that you are a brand(work on your personal branding so you can be desirable) - Boost your social media profile and update your LinkedIn. Make sure the posts you share on social media are captivating and good enough for people to repost. You can also do a paid advert f...


I will suggest you B2C company. These companies are best suitable for online business. Apart from the multiple advantages it provides two major benefits that you will get from establishing this type of company. First is digitalization of business and second is usage of a global network. Now by di...


I not an expert but I have owned a small manufacturing company in the past. And based on my limited experience here is how I would approach your project. You first need to figure out what your goals are for this project. What exactly is your business objective? Is it to produce and sell the B...


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