
1.Yes first you ought to secure permit within and without the boarders 2.Search people with proven_track records in Auditing and Inspection with 5 and 10 minimum and maximum experience respectively 3.Also check your competitors around and double up your work strategies . call me for more strategi...


Hello I am an affiliate marketer and software developer and I recommend you call me because I know a never heard before free platform you can use to create your web app.


Experts get paid when you request a payout. You probably might get a section pop up to enter your info


1. Start by researching your industry online... what types of things are websites linking to? What types of press angles are being written? And how can you do similar things? 2. Keep a list of those websites from step one... so that as you do and create interesting content, you can reach out to t...


Here are the two main business models for B2B marketplaces. Commission based model The first business model is probably the most popular one as it adapts to almost all industries. This model consists of charging commissions on all transactions happening on the marketplace. The operators defines ...


Yes definitely. As you know these elements are super important pertaining to to this information. There are plethora of small businesses that cannot the technical expertise needed in some cases to increase in engagements on websites, which for most websites are the best promotion tools. This woul...


I have worked on a B2B marketplace for technology and advised for a few B2B vertical marketplaces as well. This was for different clients in US, Asia and Middle East. You will need: 1. ability to attract integrators and sellers 2. Easy onboarding 3. Low listing fees 4. Great marketing team 5. A c...


Answers vary based on... Time/Budget/Will/Expertise you possess. Projects with $0 budget verses $10M budget have very different answers. Also, Time comes into effect, as money always has a time value. Say you have $1M LOC to draw on + you'd like the shortest path to a selling your company for...


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